Warm water or cold water? What to choose for weight loss?

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When you’re planning to shed kilos, you’d go the extra mile to know all the secrets of weight loss. You’ll want to know the tips that could speed up your weight loss, the diet that will give you quick results, and the exercises that can burn that belly fat. Consequently, you’ll consult people who will tell you all sorts of things, including you must refrain from eating after 8 pm, skip breakfast, perform planks and crunches, and whatnot. The weight loss journey is paved with countless questions, myths, and conflicting advice. One such debate revolves around the temperature of your water: warm water or cold? Does it truly impact your weight loss journey? While countless articles tout the benefits of one over the other, the truth, like a refreshing glass of water itself, is much simpler.

Let’s dive into the science behind the claims and explore the role water plays in weight loss, regardless of its temperature.

The relationship between body temperature and metabolism

A prevalent belief is that drinking cold water forces your body to burn extra calories to reach its core temperature. While there’s a shred of truth to this, the effect is minimal.  Heating or cooling ingested water by a few degrees requires a negligible amount of energy expenditure. Studies suggest the caloric burn from this process falls within the single-digit range – hardly a game-changer in weight loss. So, to put it straight, the temperature of the water you drink doesn’t really matter.

But hydration does matter

Regardless of temperature, adequate water intake is a cornerstone in weight management. Water makes up a significant portion of your body weight and is essential for various bodily functions. Here’s how proper hydration contributes to weight loss:

Appetite suppression:

Water can fill you up, reducing hunger pangs and cravings. Studies suggest drinking water before meals can lead to decreased calorie intake.

Improved digestion:

Proper hydration facilitates smooth digestion and nutrient absorption, preventing bloating and discomfort.

Enhanced exercise performance:

Staying hydrated during exercise is key to optimising performance and burning calories more efficiently.

Boosted metabolism:

While the temperature effect is minimal, water does play a role in some metabolic processes. Dehydration can even slow down your metabolism.

Warm water: Benefits beyond temperature

While the temperature itself doesn’t significantly impact weight loss, warm water offers some unique advantages:

Warm water improves circulation:

Warm water can promote better blood circulation, aiding in digestion and nutrient delivery.

Soothing for digestion:

Warm water can be particularly soothing for those experiencing digestive issues like constipation.

Relaxation and stress relief:

A warm drink can have a calming effect, promoting relaxation and potentially reducing stress-induced cortisol levels, a hormone linked to weight gain.

Cold water: Also a refreshing choice

Cold water also boasts benefits:

Increased alertness:

The refreshing nature of cold water can leave you feeling more awake and energised.

Improved muscle recovery:

Cold water may aid in muscle recovery after exercise, especially during hot weather.

The real key: Listen to your body

Ultimately, the best water temperature for weight loss is the one you enjoy most and encourages you to drink consistently.

Craving a warm drink? Go for herbal tea or warm water with lemon.

Prefer a refreshing kick? Opt for chilled water with a squeeze of fruit or cucumber.

What really does matter for weight loss?

There are a few secrets to losing weight, and they include creating a calorie deficit, strength training, and quality sleep. And if we are to choose the ultimate one, it’s calorie deficit. While strength training helps you create an energy deficit and burn calories at rest, restful sleep ensures that you reach your weight loss goals.

Closing thoughts

 Weight loss is a journey, not a destination. Focus on building sustainable habits, including having an adequate water intake, and a weight loss diet including healthy vegetables and fruits. The key is finding a routine that works for your body and preferences. So, raise a glass, warm or cold, to a healthier and more hydrated you!

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