Tell-tale signs that you’re calcium deficient

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Whether it is getting strong teeth or long nails, you know calcium plays a big role. The whole point of drinking glasses of milk in our childhood was getting calcium. Remember, how calcium deficiency was such a serious matter when we were kids? It’s not that calcium deficiency is not serious now that we’re adults, but we have begun to take it lightly.

That doesn’t just include compromising on a calcium-rich diet but also taking the signs and symptoms lightly.

Calcium is a vital nutrient and its deficiency can wreak havoc on your health. A sigh of relief is that the human body does have ways to tell you that you need to increase the calcium content in your diet. You can make adjustments accordingly to prevent medical emergencies.

This blog will list some of the most common signs of calcium deficiency. Keep reading.

Muscle ache

Muscle pain is common in the later years of life, but if you are experiencing it sooner, it may be a sign of calcium deficiency. Remember when we said calcium is important for strong bones? Strong muscles don’t come without strong bones. Calcium is an integral part of active muscle function, including the muscle’s contraction and relaxation. Calcium deficiency can make the bones weak and with it the muscles. Consequently, you may experience painful twitching and muscle cramps. You may also experience pain while walking and a tingling sensation in your mouth, arms, feet and legs.

Brittle nails

Are you pulling out all the stops to grow your nails such as applying various nail coats, only to watch them break every other day?

Long and strong nails are a girl’s dream. But if brittle nails prevent you from having it, a calcium deficiency may be the culprit. Calcium is an essential nutrient for nail health. If you are observing that your nails aren’t as healthy as before or they’re breaking too easily, it may be a sign that you need to add more calcium-rich foods to your diet.

Dental problems

Dental problems are enough to make your days harder than they already are. So, if you are facing dental problems lately, it may be because of calcium deficiency. As we said before, calcium is essential for stronger teeth. A calcium deficiency can lead to a variety of dental problems, including but not limited to severe pain in your teeth. Other problems include tooth decay, weak or falling teeth, and cavities.

Severe PMS

The intensity of Premenstrual symptoms differs from woman to woman, but this intensity can become worse if you are calcium deficient. Hence, you may experience severe cramping. The cause is believed to be hormonal imbalances that become worse with the deficiency. Calcium supplements may be helpful in managing PMS symptoms.

You are exhausted all the time

Do you frequently find yourself waking up exhausted despite having what seems like a restful night’s sleep? Even worse, does this exhaustion persist throughout the day? If so, calcium deficiency might be to blame. Insufficient calcium levels can contribute to low energy levels in adults. This is primarily because calcium is essential for regulating metabolism. Additionally, both muscle fibres and nerves rely on calcium for proper function. When there’s a deficiency, calcium stores within cells can become depleted, resulting in feelings of lethargy. You may also experience dizziness, brain fog and forgetfulness.

Poor heart rhythm

As we said before calcium is required for optimum muscle function. Your heart is a muscle too, in fact, the most vital muscle. Hence, any deficiency in calcium levels can be detrimental to the heart.

So, if you have been feeling an irregular heart rhythm lately, a bit too fast or slow, you need to seek medical help.

Numbness in fingers

You must know that calcium plays an integral role in the central nervous system. It is vital for a healthy blood flow and nerve function. Every nerve cell in the body requires calcium. When calcium levels drop, nerve cells struggle to register sensations and send signals, leading to a tingling sensation or a feeling of numbness in the fingers, both in your hands and feet.

Closing thoughts

In short, noticing the signs of a calcium deficiency is important for keeping yourself healthy. Whether it’s brittle nails, muscle cramps, dental problems, or feeling tired all the time, your body has ways of telling you it needs more calcium. By adding calcium-rich foods to your diet or considering supplements, you can help keep your bones strong and your body in good shape. If you’re unsure, it’s always a good idea to chat with a healthcare professional before making any big changes

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