Proposed Overhaul in Israel’s Medical Cannabis Program

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Summary: The Ministry of Health is contemplating significant changes to Israel’s medical cannabis program. The proposed changes aim to ease regulations for manufacturers while tightening restrictions on patients. The most controversial proposal, which suggested completely abolishing the use of inflorescences and allowing patients only gross cannabis, is likely to be withdrawn. However, the rest of the original recommendations are expected to be adopted with minor modifications. These changes include abolishing the obligation for cannabis manufacturers to disclose precise cannabinoid percentages on product packaging, changing the structure of dosage categories, reducing the maximum permissible THC percentage in products, and prohibiting colorful packaging of medical cannabis.

Significant Changes on the Horizon for Israel’s Medical Cannabis Program

The Israeli Ministry of Health is considering significant changes to the medical cannabis industry. The proposed changes aim to ease regulations for manufacturers while tightening restrictions on patients. The most controversial proposal, which suggested completely abolishing the use of inflorescences and allowing patients only gross cannabis, is likely to be withdrawn. However, the rest of the original recommendations are expected to be adopted with minor modifications.

The proposed changes include the introduction of a new pricing model, which would see the cost of medical cannabis products determined by their THC and CBD content, rather than the current system where prices are set by strain. In addition, companies would be required to meet stricter quality control standards, and there would be greater oversight of the cultivation and production process.

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The proposed changes for Israel’s medical cannabis program include:

  1. Abolishing the obligation for cannabis manufacturers to disclose precise cannabinoid percentages (THC, CBD) on medical cannabis product packaging. This requirement was introduced in 2020 following an appeal by ‘קנאביס’ Magazine to the Ministry of Health.
  2. Changing the structure of dosage categories (T/C). Instead of the current structure, the new model will have categories in increments of 2 (e.g., T10, T12, T14, T16, T18, T20), with a permissible range of 1% up or down.
  3. Reducing the maximum permissible THC percentage in medical cannabis products from the current limit of 24.49% to 21.99%.
  4. Prohibiting colorful packaging of medical cannabis. A law that came into effect in January 2020 requires that products intended for smoking or vaping, including medical cannabis, be packaged in a generic brown color without logos or colorful branding.
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Another key proposal is the removal of restrictions on the export of medical cannabis products. Currently, Israeli companies are only allowed to export to a limited number of countries, but the new regulations would open up the global market, potentially leading to significant growth for the industry.

These proposed changes represent a significant shift in Israel‘s approach to medical cannabis, and could have far-reaching implications for the industry. However, they are still subject to approval by the Israeli government, and it remains to be seen how they will be received by the industry and patients.

[Source: קנאביס]

Sure, let’s make cannabis grow 10% THC flower…


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