Managing and Preventing Migraines: Solutions that work

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Life is difficult for everybody. But perhaps it becomes more difficult for those who have migraines. Every day goes by when you are struggling to tolerate migraines. The pain is horrible, and not to forget the disappointment and frustration that comes with losing your focus and sabotaging the plans you had for the day – whether it is crossing off tasks from your to-do list, or going out with your friends and family – all thanks to migraines. 

But who says you have to compromise your life and day-to-day tasks because of migraines? We know the pain is intolerable, but you can prevent migraines (in some instances) and manage the pain with a few techniques.

Before we begin, you must note that migraines are most commonly caused by some triggers. Now, there may be some migraines you can’t avoid, and some you can. For instance, some migraines can also be caused by weather or hormonal fluctuations during menstruation. These are factors you cannot control. So, ensure you know that not all headaches can be avoided. 

This may be a bummer for you, but it is also a fact. However, let’s not focus on what you cannot control, but on what you can. 

So, without further ado, let’s begin, shall we? 

Watch your caffeine intake 

Caffeine gets you fired up. We are well aware. It comes to your rescue on weekdays when you have to report to work and get the tasks for the day done without feeling sleepy, but energised. But here’s something you must know, you must be cautious of caffeine’s mild diuretic effect. 

Diuretics effects are agents that reduce fluid build-up in the body. The main purpose is to remove water from the body, which can cause dehydration in the body even when you don’t feel like that and you are drinking lots of water. You must know that dehydration can also trigger migraine. 

Not to mention, caffeine can also affect your sleep for the worse, which can further cause migraines. So, watch your intake. Avoid it if you can. However, if you are somebody who cannot stay without caffeine, keep the intake consistent. Take no more, or no less if it works for you. 

Say hi to aerobics

No one ever got bored of aerobics. But if you haven’t ever tried aerobics, we are giving you a reason to do it. Turns out, doing aerobic exercises regularly can help prevent migraines. If you go for some specific exercises, such as HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and yoga, they can be more than helpful when it comes to preventing migraines. Backed by scientific data, HIIT reduced the frequency of migraine attacks. 

If you cannot go for HIIT due to age factors and medical conditions, moderate exercise has also shown a positive impact.

Avoid foods that aren’t good for migraines

Anything you do outside your routine can trigger migraine. This includes skipping meals or eating anything that your body isn’t accustomed to.  

Talking about skipping meals, there’s a reason that people recommend eating 3 meals a day. Skipping any one meal of the day deprives your brain of the fuel, hence it is going to react with a migraine. 

Additionally, you must also avoid food items that you think trigger your migraine. It’s a different list for everybody. While some people can experience migraines by eating chocolates, some do not. 

There’s a long list. (Once again, the triggers may not be the same for everybody) 

  • Red wine
  • Smoked fish
  • Cheese
  • Dried fruits
  • Peanuts
  • Potato chips
  • Olives
  • Vinegar
  • Tomato 

A few exercises to manage migraine 

Stretching can offer relief to your body and mind. It can also help with migraines. 

Here are a few exercises you can try

  • Side neck bend 
  • Seated forward fold 
  • Child’s pose
  • Downward-facing dog

Try traditional healing practices such as acupressure, reiki and aromatherapy 

There are a good number of people who believe in traditional healing practices. And they do so, for a reason – they are effective and do not cause side effects. 

Acupressure, rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, involves applying gentle pressure to specific points on the body to promote balance and alleviate various ailments.

Reiki, a Japanese practice, harnesses universal energy to facilitate emotional and physical healing through the laying on of hands. 

Aromatherapy employs the therapeutic power of essential oils to enhance well-being, relieve stress, and soothe both body and mind. These traditional methods offer natural, non-invasive alternatives to conventional medicine, providing a unique pathway to holistic wellness and a harmonious life.

Closing thoughts 

In the relentless pursuit of relief from the debilitating grip of migraines, it is clear that effective management and prevention strategies hold the key to a brighter, pain-free future. By following a multi-faceted approach that includes lifestyle adjustments, stress management, dietary considerations, and, if necessary, medical intervention, individuals can regain control over their lives and minimise the disruptive impact of migraines. 

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